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10 Benefits of Body-Worn Cameras in Healthcare

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10 Benefits of Body-Worn Cameras in Healthcare

A worrying increase in the number of verbal abuse and physical violence incidents within healthcare settings is leading to burnout and long-term health problems among nurses and practitioners, causing many to consider leaving not just their roles but the industry altogether. Body-worn cameras offer a new approach to ensure workplace safety within healthcare settings.


Deterring and De-Escalating Violence and Aggression

Violence and aggression toward healthcare workers is a growing concern. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, in a 2022 survey where more than 2,000 nurses participated, there was a reported 48% increase in workplace violence, more than double the previous year. The presence of a body camera, especially one with a front-facing screen, is proven to have a calming effect and can help to deter this type of behavior by serving as a reminder to patients and visitors to behave appropriately.


Improving the Wellbeing and Confidence of Healthcare Staff

The physical and emotional toll of experiencing violence and aggression on the job can be severe and long-lasting. A recent article published in Annals of Medicine and Surgery reported that healthcare workers affected by violent and aggressive behavior are more likely to experience, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), loss of self-esteem, depression and demoralization. Body cameras provide a discreet layer of support and can provide a sense of security and confidence for healthcare workers, helping to improve their overall well-being. In a survey of UK NHS Trusts currently using the Calla body camera, 100% of participants agreed that well-being has improved as a result of using body-worn cameras.


Reducing Liability

The use of body-worn cameras within healthcare settings can help to protect healthcare workers from false accusations and reduce the risk of legal disputes by increasing transparency and providing a clear record of events.


Capturing First-Hand Video and Audio Recordings

Body-worn video captures audio and visual recordings in far greater detail than traditional CCTV. This provides increased transparency and accountability and offers valuable and accurate evidence in case of aggressive behavior or other incidents. Furthermore, it increases the chance of conviction and minimizes the need for lengthy reports and court proceedings. In the UK, The Essex Partnership University Trust revealed that evidence captured on the Calla body camera has so far led to the successful prosecution of five cases.


Enhancing Training and Learning for Healthcare Staff

Reviewing footage of past incidents provides a valuable learning resource by helping healthcare staff to understand and identify triggers of aggression. It can also help improve conflict management training so that staff are adequately prepared to approach similar situations safely in the future.


Supporting the Safety of Lone Workers

Healthcare workers, such as nurses and aides, may often find themselves working alone and vulnerable to violence and aggression. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, healthcare workers are five times more likely to suffer from workplace violence. Equipping lone working staff with body-worn cameras provides an extra layer of protection in the event they find themselves in confrontational situations.


Improving Patient Satisfaction

Body-worn cameras can help hold healthcare professionals accountable for their actions and create a safer and more professional healthcare environment, which can lead to improved patient care, patient satisfaction, and trust in the healthcare system.


Enhancing Security

In addition to deterring violence and aggression, body cameras help add an additional layer of support to existing security systems by capturing footage from the point of view of the caregiver. This allows for video recording in areas not covered by traditional CCTV.


Improving Staff Retention & Attendance at Work

The strain of constant abuse and fear of physical violence is causing many healthcare workers to consider leaving their jobs. An article published in Annals of Medicine and Surgery stated that the implications of work place violence in healthcare can not only have an impact on the delivery of healthcare services but increased absenteeism and healthcare workers decision to leave the field. Equipping staff with body-worn cameras ensures they are always supported and have the tools necessary to deter conflict and feel confident and safe at work. In a survey of UK NHS Trusts currently using the Calla body camera, 75% of participants agreed that morale among staff has improved as a result of using the camera.


Improving Incident Reporting

Body-worn cameras not only de-escalate violence, but if healthcare staff are faced with an aggressive patient or visitor, they provide essential evidence. This evidence presents an independent account of events that reduce time-consuming interviews with staff and speed up the incident reporting procedure to the authorities. The compelling evidence captured with body-worn cameras often means that a resolution (or conviction) is found promptly without unnecessary staff interrogation. In turn, this helps build better relationships between healthcare providers and the authorities.