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5 Benefits of Body-Worn Cameras for Paramedics

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5 Benefits of Body-Worn Cameras for Paramedics


Deterring and De-Escalating Violence and Aggression

According to public health research and practice violent and aggressive behaviour against paramedics continues to be growing problem in Australia. The presence of a body camera, especially one with a front-facing screen, is proven to have a calming effect and can help to deter this type of behaviour by serving as a reminder to patients and members of the public to behave appropriately.


Supporting the Safety of Lone Workers

Ambulance crews working in teams of two often find themselves working alone and vulnerable to violence and aggression. Safe Work Australia [SWA] found that among all healthcare workers in Australia, ambulance officers were found to be at the greatest risk of workplace violence, and no other group has a higher injury rate than paramedics. Equipping lone workers with body-worn cameras provides an extra layer of protection that helps paramedics feel safer and more confident when on duty.



Capturing First-Hand Video and Audio Recordings

Body-worn cameras act as an impartial witness and can capture video recordings wherever a paramedic is working, whether that’s in public open spaces or people’s homes. This provides increased transparency and accountability and offers valuable and accurate evidence in cases of aggressive behaviour or resolving complaints. Furthermore, it increases the chance of conviction and minimises the need for lengthy reports and court proceedings.


Enhancing Training and Learning for Ambulance Crews

Reviewing footage of past incidents provides a valuable learning resource by helping paramedics to understand and identify triggers of aggression. It can also help improve conflict management training so that ambulance crews are adequately prepared to approach similar situations safely in the future.


Supporting the Placement of Risk Markers

Footage captured on a body camera that provides evidence of violence or aggression towards paramedics can be used to support the placement of risk markers on specified addresses, marking them unsafe for ambulance crews to enter without police support.